What is the definition of productivity?

What is the definition of productivity?  Obviously productivity means getting everything done before it needs to be done so then you can get more things done in the extra time that you have.

If you aren’t using your time wisely that means you have free time and you should probably fill it with something to be more productive.  

How has that logic actually seeped into our brains? Having free time is bad?

“Well yeah, I could be making money, or exercising, or baking cookies or getting sh*t done.”

haskldjfbaliseuhrawiuefnawlkejfbasljkfb. NO.

One thing I’ve learned from living in other countries is that time is precious. Not in the way of OMYGOSH if I don’t finish this now I won’t be able to move onto the next thing so I can do this other thing.

But in the way of allowing yourself to be ok with time slipping away.  The Italians take a few hours for a nice dinner.  They start with an aperitif – a drink and some snacks, then move onto a first course of pasta or risotto and a second course of some sort of meat usually. Then they might have a cheese and fruit plate and/or a dessert like a cake or gelato. They finish with a drink at the end, literally called a digestivo for digestion, AND might even finish that with an espresso after that.

For most people, this is considered absurd in our 60 hour workweeks.  NO TIME FOR FOOD. (Which is something I am very passionate about and will talk about later). Why is that? Where did this notion of always being busy become a way of life?

I wonder if we do things simply to be busy. I do it. Sign myself up for more volunteer shifts or work shifts or dates with friends. And then I complain that I don’t have enough time or I am too tired. This way of thinking is so backwards and I wonder how we can turn it around for healthier bodies, minds and lives?

Time is precious because what we do with our time does matter. If you are working, do you enjoy it? If you are with friends or family, is it meaningful and purposeful and fun? If you are alone, are you doing something that will feed your soul?  Are you driven by guilt or joy?

Having free time means we get to develop hobbies, find what brings us joy and do something just because we like it and not because it serves another purpose.  I love mornings so I wake up an hour before I need to be awake to enjoy my favorite part of the day just a little bit longer. I don’t do anything super exciting or strenuous, but it feeds my soul to be up in the quiet so I can think or just be. Is it productive? YES.

How will you spend your free time this week? If you don’t have any, why not? GET SOME. Feed your soul with some unproductive productivity.

The power of saying no can change your life.

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