In between times


For those of you who know me and don’t know that I am not going to school this year anymore–> I am not going to school this year.  I was on track to go to grad school at the University of Minnesota for public health.  A beautiful and really good program.  But after some thinking and answering some hard questions – I decided that taking this year to explore and create and learn outside the classroom had more pros than cons.  One of them being the fact that I don’t need a master’s to do some of the things that I want to do.

So – I am in that dreaded in between time.  Applying and interviewing for jobs, wondering what kinds of jobs I am even qualified for, and realizing that every choice I make at this point will have a way of shaping my future and career.

This in between time is also kind of exhilarating.  I get to create my future, build up what my life is going to be about, find new things to fall in love with and continue learning with a lust for life.  This year, once again is not what I would have expected it to be, but I am really excited about what is on the horizon.  If I don’t do anything else, I will be perfectly content with making gourmet coffee drinks and writing about nutrition all the day long.
But ya know getting another job would be nice 🙂

Upward and onward.

Check out this article that I wrote about Caribou Coffee.  Three loves merged into one: coffee, nutrition and words.

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