
Well folks, one week until I am hanging out in Nicaragua, covered in sweat and racking my brain for any Spanish that might still be lying around and prepping for a trip to the jungle.   So many thoughts going through my head but first, I’ve been thinking about International Women’s Day and what the significance is for me in my life.

I know I’m a little late, but I have a lot of amazing women in my life.  Both of my grandmothers are women that I would be lucky to be anything like.  They have faced hardships that I will never understand but yet their attitude towards living is something I have marveled at in both of their lives.

My grandma Mork will always be remembered as a kind woman with quiet strength.  My grandma Robertson on the other hand, is a courageous woman with loud strength.  Both of these women have set the precedent for me to see what true strength is in the face of adversity and how to have an attitude towards life that is positive and refreshing for those around them.

My mom has also set an amazing example for me – she has raised three children that she did not bear and created a family with my father that is tight knit and genuine.  She knows what it is to work hard, but also to let herself relax and as they say, treatyoself.  My mama has instilled in me an appreciation for adventure and travel and is one of my favorite people to trot the globe with.

My sisters and girlfriends continually show me what it is to be a woman every day.  I watch them grow in their marriages and relationships, grow as a mother, student or friend, and work hard for what they want in this life.  I am truly lucky to be surrounded by such inspirational and powerful women.

Last week I went to St. Kate’s for a seminar, which was special to me for multiple reasons.  It made me SO excited to be a Katie.  It feels very right to be going to this school for my MPH – the values and goals of the university very accurately align with my own.  It also inspired me very honestly, to keep going.

The speaker was Annie Griffiths, one of the first women photographers to work for National Geographic.  She inspired me in a lot of ways as I assume she inspired most of the people in the room.  One quote that I remember writing down was: “Most of the limitations we put on ourselves are fear based.”

I must have wrote it down for a reason – probably because it resonated with me on a lot of levels.  I think about the things that I want to do, but I don’t – and then I think about why I am not doing them and the real reason behind my hesitation or staying in the background.

Overcoming fear is one of the hardest things but also one of the most satisfying things.  Think about how you feel when you succeed at something you were scared to do! Maybe, probably, one of the best, most empowering feelings in the world.  The flip side isn’t so fun but also how good does it feel to know you at least tried?

Annie Griffiths also talked about the ripple effect of helping each other.  If you help one person, they will go on to help others and countless people will be helped.  I want to keep working to overcome my fears because hopefully by being brave, I can help someone else be brave.  By being vulnerable and exposed, I am inviting someone to come in and help me when I need it the most so I will know how to help the next person.

I really love being comfortable.  Sitting at home on my couch with my cat and some peanut butter cups, but who or what will change if I keep sitting here?  I think of all the women in my life who inspire me because nevertheless, they persisted.

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1 Comment

  1. You, dear Stephanie..are quite an amazing young woman yourself. I am proud to be your mama and welcome the chance to wander with you. Anytime. 🙂

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