2018: Wellness

It’s already mid January and I haven’t written a blog post for months.  I have spent the last 6 months being ill and dealing with pain – starting grad school (and killing it with all A’s) – working on important relationships – working a really taxing service job – quitting that job – being unemployed – and then starting a new job.  And I wonder why I am stressed and constantly ill.

One of my goals of 2018 (besides being sick less), is to write more.  In the past, writing blogs has truly lit my soul on fire.  I don’t really care who reads them or what they do for anyone else because writing has proved to be so magical for me in the past and I want that magic back.  I could use some soul filling these days!  I’ve been given the gift of time in my cozy Colfax home today feeling zen with some ginger tea and falling snow – which made me feel like the universe was trying to say, “why would you not write today?”

Besides writing, something that I have felt/seen as a theme for the upcoming year is wellness.  Learning how to take care of ourselves in the ways that truly matter.  For inspiration, I’ve been listening to a podcast called mindbodygreen (also on Instagram) and they have some great people coming in and talking about wellness and their journey to living healthier lives.

Learning how to fit in self care during our busy lives is ever more important as time goes on.  How can we build our lives around healthy habits?  These days for me its the simplest things, drinking more water and tea, getting enough sleep, reading a book instead of watching Netflix, and eating mostly plants.  There are some days where I just kinda need a coffee and 3 hours of netflix – but learning how to make the alternative healthier choices in the normal day to day is proving to be important for my well being.

I am encouraged by the fact that wellness doesn’t need to be extravagant, and there are no rules.  You get to make up the rules and decide what makes you feel the best or what truly lights your soul on fire.

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