750 Words

This month, I have challenged myself to write 750 words everyday.  Doesn’t matter what I write about – just the fact that I am writing about something and writing consistently.  I’ve joined a website that has a platform to do just that and it’s literally called, 750 words.  It doesn’t go out into the world, and it tracks how fast you type as well as keywords that describe your mood while typing.  It is an awesome way to just hop on the computer and start typing about anything or nothing but who knows – maybe it could turn into something more than just 750 words of gab into something more meaningful.

In the past two months, I have tried to make goals for myself and have these grand ideas of how I want to do my life.  But the reality is that I am busy – and sometimes it takes all that I have just to keep up with my obligations.  It has been a lot harder than I expected to go from just working and no school, to working and also school and also trying to plan practicums and final projects while also making enough money to eat and pay rent. Whew! So sometimes making and trying to meet these lofty goals just adds on to my to do list and makes me more stressed out because I am not meeting my goals.

Ironically most of my goals have been directed towards taking better care of myself and I have been doing ok at some of those goals.  I have found that tangible and measurable goals work the best.  Instead of just ‘sleep more’ or ‘drink more water’ – things like ‘sleep for 8 hours every night’ and ‘drink one glass of water when I wake up’ have been better for me to feel like I am setting a reasonable goal for myself and I am also able to measure it.  I have been regularly prepping meals for the week which a) saves me time stress and money and b) encourages me to eat better when I already have a meal ready for me.  Instead of beating myself up for not going to the gym in awhile, I try to focus on congratulating myself for going on a walk or making it to my favorite yoga class.  Easier said than done!

This 750 words a day will be a good challenge for me because it is tangible. It is also something that I like to do and that I find gives me clarity and peace when I don’t even realize.

Be nice to yourself today.  Think about just one way that you can feed your soul in the upcoming month.

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