Changing seasons

I always feel that bad weather days are perfect for reading and writing. Today is one of those days. I am sitting sipping my soy latte and nibbling on a scone and feeling very comfortable and relaxed which has been a much desired feeling/state of mind in this latest season.

This spring has been full of all the things. For any of you doing life with higher education – I commend you because it’s hard. I fully believe that school is anxiety producing at its core and although I am loving my program – there is always something to be done that will be waiting for me at the end of the day. I think this time in grad school is very valuable for me and I don’t for one second regret doing it, but I will also be happy when it’s over.

Other things that have kept me busy in this season:

  • Trip to NYC with my boyfriend, Mike. Highlights were the food, the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, walking tour of SoHo and Chinatown, fancy rooftop bar at sunset, aaaand the food. Did I mention the food?
  • Relearning how to ride a bike. For the longest time, I’ve had this paralyzing fear and anxiety of bikes. I half learned when I was a kid but I had a few embarrassing tumbles and that was enough to stop me from getting back on. Thanks to Mike – who custom built me a bike this winter – I have been able to ride around bits of Minneapolis with him and actually enjoy myself a little. I’m proud of myself for facing this fear and although I’m not confident enough to ride alone yet, I will get there eventually.
  • Trip to LA to visit my long time friend Sarah.  Highlights were spending time with Sarah, sailing, beach time, reading for pleasure, and once again the food. Sarah shares my love for food and knows all the best places. Always a great host and I hope I can repay the favor someday.
  • Working my first desk job. I have been working at the Minnesota Department of Health this year as a communications associate. It was a contracted job, so unfortunately I’ve wrapped up my time there – but I learned so much and gained a lot of great experiences and friends.
  • Last but not least – preparing for my grad school practicum in Bolivia this summer (!). I will be spending 5 weeks in Bolivia and 10 days in Peru. I’ve been working on getting paperwork ready, going to doctors appointments for all the vaccinations, and making the necessary travel arrangements to get there.

I’m feeling all the things about going into the unknown in Bolivia, but I know it will be a good experience regardless. Sometimes the pre departure anxiety is the hardest part, so I am excited to just get there and start the thing.

Next posts will be about my South American experiences and adventures, and about the work I will be doing there – I’m excited to learn about a new culture, improve my Spanish, and do some exploring.

T minus 1 day before take off!

Until next time.

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  1. Thanks for updating us on your life experiences. We would love to meet Mike on our next Minnesota trip. Wishing you the very best of experiences on your latest adventure. With love from your Pennsylvania Fan Club! Aunt Carolyn & Uncle John

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