Travel thoughts


Nearing the end of my time in Bolivia already I thought I would share some of the random thoughts that I’ve written down as I’ve been in places and situations that I didn’t want to forget. These range from funny to serious to just observations.

So, welcome to my mind for a few minutes 🙂

  • Thursday morning on the Teleferico: an old man with gnarled hands from years of hard labor, a young man writing music and looking wistfully out the window, two young chatty girls talking about boys and school, two young men looking nonchalant with their earbuds on their way to school and one little girl on her way to school watching the older girls intently and then me, a white girl just taking it all in.
  • If travel has taught me anything it’s that the world is incredible. It always reminds me that people are people and they are all just living their lives with their own triumphs and burdens. Everyone has a story.
  • From the backseat of a bumpy 12 passenger colectivo van: Trying to take pictures of the amazing snow covered mountain views but I stopped after a few tries. Those pictures remind me that it’s not about having the perfect picture or having the perfect experience or even a perfect day. It’s about taking things at face value because we get to choose how we react to each and every situation. Regardless of those blurry and crooked photos I will remember that bumpy ride anyways.
  • Travel friendships are something special. They are short lived and sometimes intense  but you get to share unique experiences and once in a lifetime moments with these people which binds you for life. Everytime you think of that memory or experience you think of that former stranger, 24 hours later turned friend, next to you in those moments.
  • Eating out alone is something that I forgot I kind of like. I had the privilege of eating out in Europe alone a lot too and it just feels so luxurious. You can think about whatever you want, you can eat whatever you want and you can take as much or little time as you want to just sit there and enjoy the ambiance or people watch or drink another glass of wine or cup of coffee.
  • Still always seeking out green spaces. Sitting in one of the plazas close to my house – with just a teeny bit of green – there are teenagers playing frisbee, kids rollerblading, people walking their dogs, old men just sitting and watching the world.. Not so different from home.
  • I sat with an older gentleman on the Teleferico today. When we got off, the attendant immediately came to help him. It was really sweet to witness this young man interact with this older man with grace and respect. That’s the way it should be.

Bolivia has been a unique experience to say the least. My public health work here hasn’t been my favorite and I don’t know that I gained any new job skills, but I’ve definitely been reminded of some important life lessons and I think (at least I hope) my Spanish got a little better.

Next up, Peru.



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